Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Trade-ins at GameStop

Firstly, I want to thank all of you folks that have been giving me the kind words on my blog and digg.com. It really helps me out a lot. And to all of those ridiculously negative people on Digg.com, keep your negativity away from my blog.

Okay, ALL of us at one time or another has traded in a game to a game store for store credit. I have traded in old systems, games, attachments, etc. But once I got old enough to where buying gaming stuff came from my own pocket years ago, I have COMPLETELY stopped trading in games.

The fact that you can buy a $60 game on its release day, go back and trade it in THAT SAME DAY, and only get about $40 for it, when they are going to sell it for $55 is RIDICULOUS. I understand that they are a business, and they are trying to make a buck like everyone else, but I am not forced to help them make that buck in that way, so I won't. When I am in a Gamestop and see a guy bring in 5 games that aren't that old and he only gets maybe $20 for them, makes me want to puke.

Ebay is the way to go. When I am done with a game, I sell it on ebay and usually get $15-$20 more than I would at GameStop. Let's all face it, $15-$20 is a big difference on a $60 game. I know, I know, you gotta put it up for auction, wait for it to be sold, then ship it out, blah blah.
But to me, THATS WORTH IT!! Because in the end, I have about $20 more towards a new game than I would if I would have been lazy and went to GameStop.

So that's my little rant on GameStop and how we aren't forced to get ripped off there, although most gamers do.
I would also like to recommend some websites for you to do game trades or donations:

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