Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rainbow Six Vegas 2

As if I wasn't excited for Vegas 2 enough, they just released two developer diaries on the Xbox Live Marketplace. Within these two diaries, I learned:

  • You can now be a female character
  • Ranking up (Persistent Elite Creation, P.E.C.) can be accomplished in single player, co-op, and multiplayer. All are universally the same and tied together.
  • The graphics and framerate has been upgraded (Could tell just by looking)
  • There will be seemless, jump in jump out Co-Op, which allows you to complete the single player campaign which allows friends to jump in and out, whenever you want. Just like Gears of War. If you are the host, you control the 2 AI characters.
  • They added 11 new weapons
  • 13 new Maps, 2 New Game Modes
  • They added maps from the previous juggernaut RainbowSix: RavenShield
  • Terrorist Hunt is back, and better
  • There is a map with a MLG LAN room
  • New mode called 'Demolition' is just like Search and Destroy on COD4, 2 targets, one team has bomb, other team must defend.
  • New mode 'Team Leader,' each team has 1 leader which has a star above his head. You must eliminate the enemy leader, while defending your own. As long as the leader is alive, you can respawn unlimited amount. When leader is dead, that team has no more respawns. You can also win by escorting your leader to an extraction point
  • 'Total Conquest' is back. Hold the three satellites for 30 seconds to win.
  • Matchmaking has been improved, giving you balanced gaming.
  • Character customization is just huge
  • Single player story comes to a big, explosive, conclusion
  • Every action and victory will earn you a reward.
  • ACES (Advanced Combat Enhancement Specialization)
  • Close quarters, Assault, Marksmanship is your three areas to excel in. Using flash and smoke, getting headshots, etc.
Thats enough to put me over the edge! I have been a Rainbow Six fan since RB63 on the original xbox. This game WILL rival COD4 and Halo 3, mark my words. It looks as though Ubisoft took a page from Infinity Ward, giving you tons of challenges to complete throughout your gameplay.

So, go pre-order this game now, because you will not be disappointed.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for this game to come out. Vegas was great enough.

Anonymous said...

I am so pumped for this game! I have the collectors adition pre-ordered. We must pwn noobs together when it comes out.