Thursday, March 6, 2008

Gamerscore: Explained

Well, not to have a misleading blog post title, but this will be MY gamerscore explained. I feel that other gamers will share some of my views here.

As you can see below my picture on the right side, I have a rather high gamerscore compared to the majority of LIVE users. When I first got my 360 on launch day back in 05', I NEVER would have thought I would have become so addicted to gamerscore. The thought of actually having a 'paper trail' for my videogame career on the 360 was quite amazing to me, and actually getting points for doing stuff in games just blew my mind.

Now, the year of 2006 was a slow one for me. I was freshly out of high school, had an amazing new job that was paying for college (Still is!), and had all of these amazing games to play on my fresh new high-def capable Xbox 360. We're talking Call of Duty 2, Oblivion, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, etc. Those games were a PLEASURE to suck gamerscore out of. Of course, there was the Madden, NBA, and college games, BORING but still gave easy gamerscore.
As I continued to gain gamerscore for playing these amazing titles, I liked it more and more. Especially when I could get achievements for beating COD2 on Veteran, which most didn't have. I hooked up with a buddy that I kinda knew in real life (Thats the life without a controller, you know?), found out he got a 360, and found out that he was loving the gamerscore as well. So we started trading tricks and tips on how to increase our gscore. It grew from there, and BAM, I was playing everyday trying to reach 20,000, 30,000, and then 40,000. I have been in the 40k's for I am guessing a year or so now. Life happened, responsibility in life happened, and gamerscore didn't have the same draw as it previously did. Don't misunderstand, I still get all happy inside when that little blip shows up on the screen. But I don't go out of my way and rent crappy games just to increase my gscore anymore like I did in 2006 and part of 2007.

So now, as I play on LIVE, I still get the, "Hey, look at that Camerogoui's gamerscore! What a loser! He must have no life!!" There isn't really a way to explain to the foul mouthed punks that can't pronounce my gamertag that I got the majority of that years ago, so I stay quiet knowing that they are only speaking because they wish theirs was there as well.

So that's my story, what's yours?


Anonymous said...

Nice explanation, Camero... I couldn't have said it better myself!

I guess you're 2X the gamer I am... :)

Anonymous said...

gamerscore = insane..

Im weak sauce

Anonymous said...

When I was doing a lot of gigs for full time work at night I had plenty of time for gaming during the day to game. The points just kept going up and up and now I've just hit the 30,000 mark. I really don't play as hard as I use to for the points, it least till I'm 2000 away from another 10k, then I break loose. :)