Saturday, March 1, 2008

Call of Duty 4 Sniping

Finally, the COD4:MW patch is out. If you listen to The Gamer's Garage, you know how much I love to snipe, no matter the game. Call of Duty 4 had some issues with sniping immediately after its title launch. Sometimes when you would shoot a guy, crosshairs dead center mass, it wouldn't actually do any damage to the opponent. They fixed it with this long, long, long awaited title update.

Sniping in COD4 is by far the best sniping experience in any first person shooter. That sentence includes the Rainbow Six series, Ghost Recon series (Number 2 for sniping in my opinion, mainly GR2: Summit Strike), and an original Xbox title called 'Sniper Elite'. Sniper Elite was a third person shooter that had some innovative qualities. There was actually trajectory on the bullets, so you had to aim higher at longer distances.
The movement is so fluid, precise, amazing in Call of Duty 4. The feeling of head shotting a fully-sprinted enemy is one that cannot be explained. Even the distance at which you must lead your enemy before firing is dead on realistic. The closer they are to you, the less you have to lead the shot, the further the more you have to lead. Sometimes I lead a shot about a foot and a half in front of a perpendicular running enemy to make the kill.

If you do not snipe in COD4, I encourage you to give it a try. Especially now that it is fixed. The sneaking, the pistoling, the accuracy needed to be a true sniper is truly a great experience in the number 1 selling game of 2007.

Remember, don't run, you'll only die tired.


Anonymous said...

It seems to be alot more accurate overall. No more "WTF" how did I miss him moments.

Anonymous said...

what about lag...

a snipers biggest threat

the other day i head shotted somebody who was completly oblivious, TWICE and only on the second time did they get hurt.

angry, i decided to stab until the guy dropped. that not working my mp5 had to empty a clip into his head before the delay came... +10

really does take the biscuit some times.

im still however, highly addicted

Anonymous said...

ha! sniping in COD4 is garbage, takes NO skill really, just some stopping power. i'll m16 a sniper in his face across the map before he can bring his scope up. FUCK THE NUBASS CAMPERS! ftw

Anonymous said...

i've still had the problem of dead on shots (even on stationary targets) not even getting a hit register, especially with the 50 cal, i'm talking dead center of the chest on a non moving target